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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> You Must Press "Turn Off Computer" Twice
Thomas Holte   2003-11-13 07:12
I had installed UltraMon 2.3 under Windows XP. When I wanted to turn off my computer and I pushed the button "Turn Off Computer" in the start menu, the dialog box "Turn off computer" was shown and then immediately it disappeared. After pushing the button again the dialog box was shown correctly.

After switching back to UltraMon 2.2 the problem disappeared.
Christian Studer   2003-11-13 11:06
Thanks for the bug report.

Are you using Nvidia video cards? If yes, what driver version?

Christian Studer -
Thomas Holte   2003-11-14 22:17
I'm using a Matrox G450 graphics card. The bug seems to be independent from the driver version. It occured under both versions 5.72.021 and 5.91.008 (the newest version).
Jeroen Louwes   2003-11-16 08:24
I have the exact same problem. I have an ATI Radeon 9800 pro and use Catalyst 3.9 drivers. Maybe i am mistaken, but i think this problem comes around after the installation of directx 9.0b.
Christian Studer   2003-11-17 02:12
I have uploaded an updated version of the Smart Taskbar which fixes this problem:

Windows 98/Me:
Windows 2000/XP and later:

To install the update, close UltraMon, then extract the ZIP file to your UltraMon directory, usually C:\Program Files\UltraMon.

Please note: you only need to install this update if you are affected by this specific issue.
This issue only seems to occur on some configurations.

Christian Studer -
Jeroen Louwes   2003-11-17 04:15
It works! Thanx for the very rapid reply and solution!
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> You Must Press "Turn Off Computer" Twice

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