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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Primary monitor display "bleeding" onto secondary display
Nick   2009-07-06 06:32
I'm using UltraMon to manage my two monitors, a 24" LCD as my primary and a 20" LCD as my secondary.

I have my display spanned with a separate task bar on each display. Everything works great except I get a small strip of the right side of my primary monitor on the left side of my secondary monitor. It's only about a 7 pixels strip but it's enough to drive me crazy as scroll bars in general are not that wide.

I've tried playing with the positions of the monitors to no avail and can't find anything in UltraMon.

Click here to see a screen-shot of what I'm referring to. The screen-shot includes two red arrows so you can see the small area.

Any ideas?


Christian Studer   2009-07-06 08:47
That's most likely an issue with your browser, caused by the custom window title bar/frame. My guess would be that you won't have this with other applications.

Christian Studer -
Nick   2009-07-07 00:22
Well I feel stupid for not checking that before but you are correct. It only appears to do this with my browser.

Thank you very much for the information.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Primary monitor display "bleeding" onto secondary display

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