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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> AutoCAD 2010
Mike   2009-07-09 13:46
AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT 2010 don't work with Ultramon. There is a button selector that sits over the top of the Ultramon Bar. This can be turned off in the registry but this still doesn't bring back the Ultramon Bar. Is there a fix for this ?
Christian Studer   2009-07-10 10:14
I haven't tested with the 2010 version, but with 2009 this was due to the custom window title bar, UltraMon usually can't add the window buttons to applications with custom title bars.

Christian Studer -
Mike   2009-07-12 08:51
Ok, have resolved the issue, it's a 2 stage resolve but i'm posting it in case anyone else needs it.
Yes, it is a custom bar on AutoCAD 2010, It features a small control bar cluster, that sits where ultramon would typically sit, this can be turned off in the registry, there's info online on how to turn it off, after that install the new beta 3.0.5 Ultramon and it's there again.

Thanks guys
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> AutoCAD 2010

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