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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Google Chrome
Juzer   2009-07-11 09:04
Ultramon 3.05 Beta. The ultramon button does not show up in google chrome, Primalscript 2007. Is there a fix for this?
Christian Studer   2009-07-11 11:08
Does Primalscript use a custom window title bar? This is the problem with Google Chrome, UltraMon usually can't add window buttons to applications with custom title bars.

Christian Studer -
ryan   2009-09-30 06:34
there any hope for this ?

Chrome is so much faster , i love it but the lack of buttons is almost too much to bare
Christian Studer   2009-09-30 09:25
Not short term, but I'll probably look into this for a future release.

Christian Studer -
Dan Kaufman   2009-10-19 03:21
I also use chrome (I have a personal ultramon license, but have convinced my new employer to purchase for our IT dept), but I am having a slightly different issue.

On my XP machine, the buttons don't appear except on occasion when I am hovering over the existing minimize, or maximize buttons. This can be frustrating when I want to minimize and it then goes to both monitors.
Christian Studer   2009-10-19 08:35
Dan, are you using version 2 of UltraMon? I haven't seen this so far with the 3.0 beta.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Google Chrome

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