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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Smart Taskbar secondary monitor maximised windows too big
neo   2009-07-21 08:48
I've been using Ultramon for a long time now without issues.

Recently on the secondary monitor, when windows are maximised, the bottom 10 odd pixels ends up sitting behind the smart taskbar. Is there a way to re-set the config to stop this?

I've tried to removing the smart taskbar registry settings, re-sizing the second window

Christian Studer   2009-07-21 09:25
Make sure the taskbar is set to be always on top, you can change the setting via right-click on the UltraMon taskbar.

Christian Studer -
neo   2009-07-23 08:04
Hi, the issue appears when using the google desktop sidebar.

Not all the time however, removing the sidebar and then choosing to have it again corrected the other windows..

N.B this only was happening on the secondary monitor with the smart taskbar


Christian Studer   2009-07-23 10:01
Is the Google Sidebar set to be always on top, and did you notice anything which seems to cause the problem?

I have tested on a 3-monitor Windows XP system, but so far haven't noticed any problems with the Google Sidebar enabled.

Christian Studer -
Peter LAuer   2009-12-10 03:13
I have this same issue. If I shutdown Google sidebar the secondary screen behaves normally. It might be an issue where it depends which program starts first?
Christian Studer   2009-12-10 09:59
Peter, does it work fine if you restart UltraMon with the Google sidebar already running?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Smart Taskbar secondary monitor maximised windows too big

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