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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> screensaver doesn't traverse sub-folders?
fishtail   2009-07-21 16:42

I am trying out the latest beta (3.0.6) on Vista Ultimate.

I have my screen saver on "Photo" and point the folder to "Pictures", in which contains many many sub-folders.

While I was on 3.0.5, it will displays JPG files in the sub-folders, but in 3.0.6, it would only read that folder only.

Anybody else experienced this??
Christian Studer   2009-07-22 07:52
I'm not sure what would cause this, but UltraMon only launches the screen saver, image selection etc is handled by the screen saver itself.

I would recommend checking if any settings for the Photos screen saver were changed, or if you enabled the 'preview mode' option for the screen saver and didn't have this enabled previously.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> screensaver doesn't traverse sub-folders?

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