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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Windows 7 Smart Taskbar not Aero
Brady   2009-07-25 19:41
I'm running 3.0.7 on Windows 7 RC1 x32. My Smart Taskbar is using the standard taskbar style and not the Aero theme that the standard taskbar is using. I know I had changed it this mode when running 3.0.6, but can't remember where the setting was to enable/disable it. I know that it works properly in Aero as I have another user account on the computer where I didn't make the change and it shows correctly.

Thanks for the update to get Ultramon fully usable for me in Windows 7. Now how bout the popup thumbnails? :)
Christian Studer   2009-07-26 12:15
Most likely you have Vista compatibility mode enabled for UltraMon.exe, to disable it go to C:\Program Files\UltraMon, right-click UltraMon.exe and select Properties from the menu, then select the Compatibility tab and uncheck 'Run this program in compatibility mode'.

Christian Studer -
Brady   2009-07-28 00:51
I had the Disable visual themes checked under the Compatibility tab. Unchecking this gave me back Aero.

Thanks for the help.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Windows 7 Smart Taskbar not Aero

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