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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop and 2 monitors - Second monitor only mirrors first monitor
Alain Breault   2009-07-30 04:10
My hardware configuration is an Acer Aspire 7720 laptop with NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GS video and 2 Samsung SyncMaster 204T monitors connected via the VGA port on the laptop using a VGA splitter cable. The laptop also has a DVI-D port. The OS is Vista Home Premium.

I currently use one monitor as the primary and the laptop screen as the secondary through windows. My problem is that the second monitor "mirrors" the first monitor. I want the second monitor to be an extension of the first monitor.

Would ultramon allow me to run the second monitor as an extension of the first monitor which is my primary? If not, Is there anything else I can do to resolve this problem? If no soultion, I will probably have to dump the Samsung monitors for a 32" LCD TV as a second monitor. Are there any suggestions for a TV that would give me as good a picture as the Samsung's quality picture?

Alain Breault
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop and 2 monitors - Second monitor only mirrors first monitor

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