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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> multi-monitor transparent-taskbar issue
ltwally   2009-07-30 10:47
I have 3 monitors at different resolutions and am noticing that both the Windows Taskbar and the UltraMon Taskbars have a peculiar problem:

Here is my monitor configuration:
Center/Primary: 1680x1050
Right/Secondary: 1680x1050
Left/Tertiary: 2048x1152
Combined: 5408x1152

Here are a pair of screenshots. The first shows things looking correct, with only 2 monitors. The second shows what happens when I enable my third monitor.

I've tried re-aligning the third/left monitor, but no matter how high/low I position it this still happens.

Any ideas on what is going on?
Christian Studer   2009-07-30 11:12
This is a Vista issue, happens if you have a monitor to the left of the primary. This issue has been fixed in Windows 7.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> multi-monitor transparent-taskbar issue

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