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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Firefox opens in wrong monitor
shaqywacky   2009-08-02 10:54
So when i try to open firefox, it opens in the wrong monitor. If i set it up to open in the primary monitor then restart my computer, it will open in the correct monitor until i move it into the other monitor, then it will either open in the wrong monitor or the app tab(i don't know what to call the little things in the toolbar that shows the apps) will be in the wrong monitor but wont open until i click twice then it opens in the right monitor.

I've gone into the properties and changed them so that it should open into the correct monitor, but nothing i do fixes it.

Any ideas?
Christian Studer   2009-08-03 08:20
What usually works with Firefox is to un-maximize the window, move it to the desired monitor, then close it there. The next time you start it Firefox should open on that monitor.

Christian Studer -
shaqywacky   2009-08-03 16:47
Thanks, that fixed it.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Firefox opens in wrong monitor

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