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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Single program dedicated to second monitor
Warren   2009-08-08 02:36
I would like to be able to dedicate my second monitor to only run VMWare workstation. I typically run it in full screen and it's annoying when another program decides to open a window behind my VMware session.

Is this supported in UltraMon?


Christian Studer   2009-08-08 07:40
UltraMon currently can't do this, there's no support for opening all windows on a specific monitor. This feature will be considered for a future release.

Christian Studer -
David DeRolph   2009-08-12 05:44
Do you use the second monitor for applications other than VMware? with many applications, Windows remembers which display was being used for an application the last time an application was closed and will open it next time on the same monitor. So, if you only use the second for VMware, I don't see how you could have this problem.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Single program dedicated to second monitor

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