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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> HDTV as 4th monitor - Problems when switching to TV mode
floridaguy   2009-08-09 08:30
This may not actually be an Ultramon question but it may be. In any case I figured I'm likely to run into folks familiar with these kinds of problems here.

I have a new home theater and I am using my HDTV as a fourth monitor for things such as NetFlix streaming.

I have two 22" LCDs and a 17" CRT as normal monitors for my QuadCore Vista system.

When I tell the home theater to stop using the HDTV as a monitor and become a normal TV again the other three monitors go black temporarily and then come back in a new order (monitor ID number) than they were before. I then have some programs appearing part on one monitor and part on another. I think that part of the problem may be that I have the 17" CRT set to 1024 x 780 while the other four are set to 1680 x 1050. It is very inconvienient to have to reconfigure my monitors each time I do this.

Have I explained my problem in a way that you know what I'm talking about? Is there a solution? If I replaced the CRT with another 22" LCD would that solve the problem? That's not my preferred solution but I sure wouldn't want to spend the money and not solve the problem.
Christian Studer   2009-08-09 13:15
There's probably no fix for this, as far as I know Windows assigns monitor numbers based on the order of the available displays reported by the display driver, and most likely this changes when you disable the TV.

Christian Studer -
floridaguy   2009-08-09 20:29
??? It keeps the correct monitor number and displays it correctly. The only thing the changes is their order. It goes from my preferred setting of 4,2,1,3 with 4 being the HDTV and 3 being the CRT to 2,3,1,4 with 4 being now disabled.
Christian Studer   2009-08-10 09:55
If only the monitor positions get changed and not the numbers, you could create an UltraMon display profile which restores the original layout (UltraMon menu > Display Profiles).

Christian Studer -
floridaguy   2009-08-11 08:16
I will try that but it isn't really a solution to the problem because it still requires that I get up from my couch each time I switch the HDTV to no longer be a monitor if I want to switch it back.♦
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> HDTV as 4th monitor - Problems when switching to TV mode

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