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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Allowing mouse to change monitor even if not same resolution.
dssamusaran   2009-08-11 20:27

My configuration is:

Ultramon 3.0.7
Samsung Syncmaster 2233 RZ 22" (wide)
Philips 170S5 17"
Win 7

I use the 22" as primary monitor, and the 17" as secondary, just a the right of the first one.

The resolutions are: 1680x1050 + 1280x1024
So it's nearly perfect for dual screen.

Here's how it looks like
| |____________
| | |
| | |
| | |

So when my mouse is at the bottom no problem, she change monitor, but when she's at the top she can't go from monitor 1 to 2.

Is it possible to disable this 'feature' in order to enable the mouse to pass from top to top of monitors?

(Sorry for my english I make my best as I'm not native ^^ )
dssamusaran   2009-08-11 20:29
Here's the schema again, as the forum skipped my spaces I added ² xD

dssamusaran   2009-08-11 20:35
Sorry for multiple posts, but it seems quite hard to make the schema with characters...

So here's a link to a screenchot, it's better I think...
Screen config
Christian Studer   2009-08-12 13:36
UltraMon can't help with this, I'm also not aware of another way to prevent the mouse from hitting the 'wall'.

Christian Studer -
ECarlson   2009-08-13 02:04
In Windows display properties, you can adjust the alignment of the monitors by moving the monitor images. You can't eliminate the 26 pixel "wall" caused by the different resolutions, but you can move the smaller monitor up so that the wall at the bottom instead of at the top, or center the smaller monitor vertically so that there is only a 13-pixel wall at the top and bottom.

- Eric,
dssamusaran   2009-08-13 19:05
Thanks, that's what I was thinking.

I prefer having the wall at the bottom, as it's the taskbar place, but not having wall at all would have been great.

Thanks for help,
And once more thanks for your great job with Ultramon ;)
Coco   2009-08-14 04:30
If you move the mouse fast enough it also doesn't hit the wall. The speed it has to be moving to just jump the cursor to the next screen is likely set somewhere in the registry. If you can find that setting you could most likely turn it way down which would cause the mouse to jump to the next screen without hitting the wall.
dssamusaran   2009-08-16 04:15
great tip!!!!

I'm going to look after this setting, but your help is allready great.

If I find the key to edit I'll post it here ;)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Allowing mouse to change monitor even if not same resolution.

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