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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Win7 - How Much Can UltraMon Emulate the Superbar?
Sovereign   2009-08-14 12:23
Is there a plan to allow pinning of items to the Smart Taskbars in the future, or is this too much part of the Windows OS to be duplicated?

The crux of what I'm asking is, how much can the Smart Taskbars be made to act like the Windows Superbar? I know that things like previews are probably not possible.

However, what is the feasibility of...
- Pinning items
- Jump Lists
- Auto-combine

I saw you addressed a question about moving items around, which I'm less concerned about (but would be fun to have).

Christian Studer   2009-08-15 08:46
Support for this will be considered for a future release, but I haven't looked into this yet. Task preview should also be possible.

Christian Studer -
Sovereign   2009-08-15 13:15
Thanks for the update! Take your time, quality > speed.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Win7 - How Much Can UltraMon Emulate the Superbar?

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