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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 Monitors with different resolutions, larger displays at 4:3
bludragon   2009-08-15 17:23
Before I start, let me say that I am so happy Ultramon, as of 3.0.7, finally supports Windows 7. The problem I am experiencing is not related to Ultramon itself, but Ultramon is effected by it. I have a 22" LCD as my primary monitor running at 1680x1050 and 32" LCD HDTV running at 1920x1080p. For some reason, my wallpaper on the TV displays at 4:3 while the superbar displays at 16:9. This also happens to any program while running in mirror mode. If I run it independently, the programs will display just fine at 16:9. It seems as if Windows is doing something weird to everything but the superbar and I have never seen this happen before. Has anyone ever encountered a strange glitch like this?
bludragon   2009-08-15 17:28
Just came across the MS Graphics Guide in another thread...I'll check it out and see if it has any relevant information.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 Monitors with different resolutions, larger displays at 4:3

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