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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Bug in desktop icon positioning
ralish   2009-08-21 00:59
I believe I have found a bug in UltraMon's handling of desktop icons; specifically, remembering their positions. For what appears to be icons with a name exceeding a certain length, UltraMon consistently fails to remember their positions correctly.

For example, I have two icons:
* Command & Conquer 3
* Command & Conquer 3 Kane's Wrath

If they are positioned vertically in that order, every reboot the order will be reversed. Further, if the order isn't manually corrected, each subsequent reboot their positions will be moved down by one icon position until manually corrected.

I'm certain this is UltraMon related as the icons are in the correct position until UltraMon is loaded, at which point UltraMon presumably restores the icon positioning it saved when it was last shutdown or was manually instructed to do so.

Can other UltraMon users confirm this behavior?
Tim   2009-08-21 01:52
Same problem here since several UM-Versions. Egal if "preserve Desktop Icon Positions" is active or not - simply save & restore them reproduces the problem (for example before and after installation of a newer graphics driver version).

Nice feature - even better if it would work coorectly! ;-)
Christian Studer   2009-08-21 08:42
This is a Vista issue, happens if you have multiple icons whose names begin with the same characters.

Currently there's no workaround for this, I also haven't tested yet if this issue is fixed in Windows 7.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Bug in desktop icon positioning

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