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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Problems with InDesign workspace setting
Clark   2009-08-24 14:01
I've been using UltraMon for about a year with 2 20" HP monitors. I have the newer monitor designated as the no. 2 monitor, and when I'm using Adobe InDesign CS3 I like to have the application window open on monitor 2, with all my palettes and toolbars on montior 1. I've saved this setup as a "workspace" within InDesign. Recently it's quit working. Everything opens on monitor 1, and I have to move the application window to monitor 2. This is obviously a problem within ID, but I can't find an answer to this in the Adobe forums. Once I use UltraMon to move a program window from one monitor to another, it always stays there, except int his case. Any ideas?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Problems with InDesign workspace setting

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