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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> No overlay support on 2nd monitor (TNT2)
Dave Warburton   2002-01-03 11:27

I have a GeForce2 and TNT2 using WinXP Pro and UltraMon.

For some reason I can't get overlay support to work with the TNT2... this means that my TV output from the Hauppauge USB tuner I have is running in Primary mode and is VERY CPU intensive.

Anyone got any ideas how to fix this? Cheers.

Dave Warburton   2002-01-06 10:14
Come on guys... some one must have some ideas?


John Cole   2002-01-06 15:19

My problem was a little different, the overlays were not working on either monitor when using drivers later than the 12.41 ones. Going back to 12.41 (which is what I'm using now) it works perfectly movies now only use about 40-65% of the CPU rather than consistently 100%.

Try going back to 12.41 thats about the best advice I can give. Hope it helps.

My hardware is:
P3 - 550
Creative Labs TNT2 Ultra AGP (Primary)
Sparkle TNT2 M64 (Secondary)

Dave Warburton   2002-01-07 03:24
Hi John,

Thanks for your reply. I'm reluctant to go back to such old drivers since I use my rig for a lot of gaming, but I guess I'll have to at keast give it a go.

Maybe an e-mail to nVidia to see what changed is in order?

Has no one else experienced this?

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> No overlay support on 2nd monitor (TNT2)

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