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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> windows log on screen on false monitor
cspchris   2009-09-03 02:37

we run a measurement system with a touchpanel and a projector on windows xp sp3. The touchpanel is connected to the pc by a dvi cable and the projector by a vga cable. The touchpanel is set as primary monitor and the projector as secondary. The task bar displays on the touchpanel.
As long as the system is not switched of for a long time (~ 1hour) everything works fine. After starting the system on the next morning (~5 hours switched off) the windows logon screen displays on the projector instead off the touchpanel. After logging in to windows it is not possible to change the monitor setup to display the desktop in the correct mode. To bring the system back to the correct display mode you have to shutdown the pc, disconnect the vga projector cable, start the system, log on to windows, connect the vga cable and change the display setup.
Why does the screen on which the logon window appears change after a few hours with switched off system?
Can Ultra Mon help?
Or is there another way to define which screen should be user for the windows logon?

thanks alot for your answers

Christian Studer   2009-09-03 09:39
UltraMon can't help with this, I'm also not sure what would cause this. Is the touchscreen always turned on when you start the system?

Christian Studer -
cspchris   2009-09-03 18:06
The touchscreen is always turned on.

thank you anyway.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> windows log on screen on false monitor

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