cewood 2009-09-13 13:40
Windows-7 introduced a feature to the taskbar to enable re-ordering application windows/icons via drag & drop. This functionality however is broken on the Secondary-monitor when using Smart Taskbar.
Are there any plans to implement this functionality, and if not is it something you can look at doing?
Christian Studer 2009-09-14 12:14
Thanks for the suggestion, will be considered for a future release. You could do this with Taskbar Shuffle or Taskix, but I don't know if they support Windows 7.
Christian Studer - www.realtimesoft.com
Jay 2009-10-14 01:39
I second this addition. It is default behavious in Windows 7 taskbar, so it should carry over to your other monitors.
Matt N 2009-10-22 06:34
I third this suggestion. More generally, I think that the expectation long term for UltraMon will be that all of the functionality of the new Win7 taskbar will carry over to the second monitor.
I understand that Win7 is new and included significant changes, but in the long term I will be disappointed if UltraMon cannot support making the second monitor's bar behave 90% the same as the primary.
Basim 2009-10-25 10:55
I forth this suggestion.
Smart Task Bar is the only reason I use UltraMon, I disable everything else during installation.
Jeremy Reid 2009-10-25 22:09
5th this. I would like to use my smart bar just like my normal 'super bar'/taskbar in win 7.
Jeremy Reid