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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon Taskbar 3.0.7 Fatal error
Seth   2009-09-30 00:28
Ver 3.0.7
OS 5.1.2600 SP 3 x32
source taskband.cpp
line 1112
return code 0
last error 0
Christian Studer   2009-09-30 09:21
Are you using Taskbar Shuffle or Taskix to reorder task buttons on the UltraMon taskbar(s)?

Christian Studer -
Seth   2009-10-05 05:16
Yes. I'm using Taskbar Shuffle 2.5. I also noticed that the window gets renamed in the task bar on the secondary monitor before I get this error.
Christian Studer   2009-10-05 08:00
A couple of other users have reported the same issue when reordering tasks, unfortunately I haven't found out yet what causes this, and if it's an issue with UltraMon or the task ordering application.

I'll see if I can get one of the other developers to help look into this.

Christian Studer -
Seth   2009-10-05 23:37
FYI I wasn't reordering the task bar at the time of the issue. 1 time it happened when I was moving a screen from the 2ndary to the primary. I noticed that the title bar name was not correct for the application. The next time it happened I noticed that an app had the wrong tittle bar name/icon, but I didn't move hopping to make it through the day. No go got an exception within seconds of noticing the name issue.

I've disabled TaskBar Shuffle.

Thanks so much for your impute and interest.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon Taskbar 3.0.7 Fatal error

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