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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Is there a software conflict betweenTuneUp Utilities 2009 and UltraMon ?
Yossi   2009-09-30 07:05
I have installed TuneUp Utilities 2009 today and changed my desktop icons using the 'customize windows' function of the software.During the process of the icons change, they have suddenly disappear from the desktop.Since then I have noticed that every time the computer boots up, the program icons appear on the desktop but the second UltraMon launches the taskbar on my secondary monitor they disappear. Is there some sort of conflict between these two softwares ?
Christian Studer   2009-09-30 09:30
The creation of the additional taskbar(s) can cause the icons to get shifted up a row, maybe that causes the problem. To verify this, check if you still have the problem if the UltraMon taskbar is configured to not be always on top (right-click the taskbar to disable always on top).

Christian Studer -
Yossi   2009-09-30 23:36
Hello Christian,

I have disabled smart taskbar in the secondary monitor and restarted the computer.The computer boots up and the desktop icons appear until the moment UltraMon icon appears on the system tray( i.e. UltraMon launches itself and runs).At this moment the desktop icons disappear.Now, as I type this post my desktop is empty of icons. Until I installed TuneUp Utilities 2009 and customized the system icons,UltraMon worked fine.So I don't know where the problem is. Is the problem in TuneUp or is the problem in UltraMon ? Please help

Windows XP Home Edition SP3

UltraMon 3.0.7 Beta
Christian Studer   2009-10-01 10:08
I have now tested with TuneUp Utilities and have been able to reproduce the issue.

The icons get hidden when UltraMon restores icon positions during startup, I'll look into this for the next release. The following workaround will fix the problem:

- go to UltraMon Options > General and uncheck 'preserve position of desktop icons'

- log off, then log in again

- you will now see the icons again. Right-click the UltraMon icon in the system tray and select Desktop Icons > Save Positions from the menu

- you can now enable the 'preserve position of desktop icons' option again, when you restart the system the next time the icons will no longer get hidden

Christian Studer -
Yossi   2009-10-02 01:30
Thank you, Christian

The workaround works fine.

Does this workaround work permanently?

Will the next time I decide to customize Windows icons again via 'customize windows' function in TuneUp Utilities 2009 (customize the size of the icons,the space between the icons,change icons package,etc...) the issue come back and once again I will have to perform the workaround each time I customize Windows icons?
Christian Studer   2009-10-02 08:23
It's possible, but my guess would be that this won't be necessary. I don't know yet what exactly the problem is though.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Is there a software conflict betweenTuneUp Utilities 2009 and UltraMon ?

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