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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Application won't dock on 1 or 4 monitors
DGR   2009-10-06 04:36
In a 4 monitor spanned desktop configuration, an instance of IE6 won't dock on one of the monitors. The other 3 work fine. You can see the window move by but it won't dock on the assined monitor even though there is video signal.

What could be the problem?
Video Cards are ATI FireMV 2200 PCI-E and ATI Fire MV 4400 PCI with the latest version of UltraMon running on XP.

Christian Studer   2009-10-06 10:47
Are you moving the window via UltraMon? What happens if you move it manually by dragging the window with the mouse?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Application won't dock on 1 or 4 monitors

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