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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Move window & maximize window buttons missing in Everquest 2
Michael Rennhack   2009-10-06 12:15
In the most recent version of Ultramon, the two ultramon buttons (move and maximize) are missing in Everquest 2. It was there in older versions of ultramon, and it is in other software programs (ie.e Office 2007, and all internet browsers).

I am running Win 7 RC x64, and ultramon 3.0.7 Beta

I've had no problems with this version, BTW. Thank you for a great product.

My question is, how do I add or re-enable those buttons for Everquest 2? I use those features often in that program.
Michael Rennhack   2009-10-06 12:25
I also tried the "is it there but invisable" as that sometimes worked in the past, but they do not exist. It only happens in Everquest 2.
Christian Studer   2009-10-07 11:06
I'll try to reproduce the issue with the EverQuest II trial version, will post my results here (probably not before Monday though).

Christian Studer -
Christian Studer   2009-10-07 12:34
Already got around to test this, I've been able to reproduce the issue and will look into this for the next release. Unfortunately there's no workaround for this.

Christian Studer -
Michael Rennhack   2009-10-10 09:11
Thanks. I'm a long time user, and I really appreciate your efforts.

BTW, I'm using your product with Win 7, 3 28" Hanns-G Monitors, and the new ATI 5870 video card. Everything works great.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Move window & maximize window buttons missing in Everquest 2

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