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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Forcing program to a monitor
Ghentivy   2009-10-07 15:11
I want to have my primary monitor and desktop on one monitor and then force certain programs to load in the other monitor. Games for example, so i can play some games and then just mouse over to do anything else. And I am running an ATI card so nView is out of the question.

I tried ultramon but for some games, like world of warcraft, it doesnt work quite right. I can get it to load into the monitor i want however it pops into the "primary" monitor first. This wouldnt be a big deal except the monitor I want it to go in is larger. This becomes a problem when I try and switch screen resolutions as the smaller screen limits the maximum resolution I can go up to. I have also tried doing the thing to switch the primary monitor but it switches the task bar and everything else so that isnt really what I am looking for.

Any pertinent information I have forgotten please let me know.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Forcing program to a monitor

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