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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multiple monitors at 1600x1200 and a 4800x1200 wallpaper
Jay   2009-10-14 17:02
I am running 3 24 inch monitors all of which are 1600x1200 resolution. I downloaded a 4800x1200 wallpaper and it is very nice. The problem is that it does not center on the middle or primary monitor. The center of the wallpaper is on my right hand monitor and the left side of the picture is on my middle or primary monitor. This leave the right hand side of the wall paper on my left monitor. Seems a little odd and I am not sure how to straighten this one out.

Any help offered would be appreciated.

Christian Studer   2009-10-15 08:32
You would get this if you have secondary monitors to the left of the primary. To fix this, you could use UltraMon or a similar application to apply the wallpaper.

Christian Studer -
ecarlson   2009-10-17 05:19
Or cut the image into 3 pieces and reassemble them so the pieces show up on the correct monitors. That's how I make my wallpaper, though I usually use 3 of my own photos and assemble them to show up on the desired monitors.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multiple monitors at 1600x1200 and a 4800x1200 wallpaper

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