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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Soft ON/OFF with multiple monitors - future of Ultramon?
Alter   2009-10-17 10:00
I was just wondering, is here there any utility that would allow us to individually Turn our monitors ON/OFF at will? Whenever we want and in any preferred order. So If I want to keep 1st and 3thd and temporarily turn off 2nd and 4th. But, I can again switch them ON without touching my monitors.

Some solutions are available for laptops, but this is only one monitor usable and no use for us, Ultramon users. I would love to be able to switch OFF/ON my monitors that when working daily.


Did you ever consider this for Ultramon? And perhaps I'm overlooking something that would makes this difficult to implement in Ultramon?

Christian Studer   2009-10-18 08:02
I looked into this some time ago but found no way to put only specific monitors on standby (putting all on standby should be no problem). I'm also not aware of another application which does this.

Christian Studer -
Alter   2009-10-18 13:24
Interesting Christian,

So just for sake of curiosity, is this problem more hardware or OS oriented in regard to actually
trigger that state? What is in your expertise the biggest obstacle with this issue?

Thank you

P.S. As I sad, there are single programs like this one :
Christian Studer   2009-10-19 08:39
Windows doesn't provide a way to do this, at least I didn't find one.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Soft ON/OFF with multiple monitors - future of Ultramon?

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