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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Lock windows on second screen
CreazioN   2009-10-19 20:20

First of all, thanks for a really great program, i use it all the time at work!

I have my primary screen connected to the pc where i do all my normal stuff, then i have another screen connected with some windows showing some workinfo, it works fine, buut!

Since first time i used a pc, my best friend was windowskey+d - but its here my problem is! Everytime i hit windowskey+d it does what it have to do on my primary screen, but i really need to know if there is somehow i can block this on screen2?

Its a really pain!


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CreazioN   2009-10-19 21:38
I found a way, autohotkey can do it so i can live with it. My sluppy code for other:

#singleinstance force


if count <= 0
WinWait, Program Manager,
IfWinNotActive, Program Manager, , WinActivate, Program Manager,
WinWaitActive, Program Manager,
count = 1
if count = 1
WinWait, Program Manager,
IfWinNotActive, Program Manager, , WinActivate, Program Manager,
WinWaitActive, Program Manager,
count = 0

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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Lock windows on second screen

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