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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Set installation directory?
Chris Ober   2009-10-22 05:37
I keep all my installed applications on another partition. But I couldn't find an option in the UltraMon (3.0.7 x64) installer to set the target directory (which is quite unusual for a program). How can I install UltraMon to the target folder I want it to go to?
Christian Studer   2009-10-22 08:50
This is no longer supported. This change was made because UltraMon requires UIAccess privileges on Windows Vista and later, which by default only get granted if the application is installed in a secure location.

You can still install UltraMon in a different folder by setting the MAINDIR property on the command line, this is not recommended though and several UltraMon components will still get installed in default locations (Windows and System32 folders for example).

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Set installation directory?

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