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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Taskbar only appears on one monitor
Tim   2009-10-23 05:44
Hi All,

I can drag the taskbar to both monitors nicely, but it doesn't span both monitors. Any ideas?

Christian Studer   2009-10-23 10:07
UltraMon can't extend the main taskbar across multiple monitors, but with the Smart Taskbar you'll get an additional taskbar on each secondary monitor.

Christian Studer -
Tim   2009-10-23 10:30
Thanks Christian. I have the Smart Taskbar enabled, but it's just not appearing. I'm running XP, identical monitors, using 3.0.2.
I've looked at all the settings, and I was just thinking that the second taskbar would appear by default. I can't find anything except for "use Smart Taskbar", which I have checked. Any ideas of what I may be missing?

Christian Studer   2009-10-24 07:04
Please try if it still doesn't work with the latest release, 3.0.7.

Christian Studer -
Tim   2009-10-25 05:40
That was it! Awesome Christian, thanks so much for taking the time to answer. You rock!
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Taskbar only appears on one monitor

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