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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Third monitor not working! Please help!
GardenMaiden   2009-10-26 04:07

This is my first time using UltraMon, so I was hoping someone could help me out with my problem. I'd really appreciate it. =)

I recently bought a new computer with Windows 7 so that I would be able to use three monitors instead of two. I installed a video card on the system that includes compatibility with two additional monitors (so it would be total four: two monitors with the computer, two monitors with the video card). However, after the card was installed, Windows 7 failed to recognize the monitors on the video card. So I installed UltraMon (the beta version) because I'm using three monitors, and I want the third monitor to work. However, UltraMon isn't recognizing the extra monitor either, and whenever I get into the display settings to see if I could fix it, I notice that UltraMon recognizes the video card as one entire monitor instead of the two that it has.

I don't know what to do. Help!

GardenMaiden   2009-10-26 07:10
=/ Anyone willing to help me out please? I'm desperate and I'm not good with this stuff.
Christian Studer   2009-10-26 10:45
What's the video card you're using?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Third monitor not working! Please help!

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