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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> xp re-install - multiple monitor
Chopper   2009-10-26 15:32
I did a xp re-install to correct "missing or corrupt dll.hal" file, which worked. Now I'm trying to re-configure my Dell Inspiron 630M Laptop and have been successful up to the point of hooking up my Dell FTP1704 Monitor so it will mirror the laptop. However, it only displays the wallpaper. The mouse will track the monitor, but there's no icons and it will not mirror the laptop. I opened a video from my e-mail and that worked splendidly! I've followed the Change Display options in the Help, with no positive result. I suspect there's a driver issue, but again I checked Windows Help for driver update and the wizard says it's up to date. The multiple monitors worked fine before the re-install.
Any suggestions?

Christian Studer   2009-10-27 09:06
You should be able to change to clone mode via the software for the video card, usually there's an entry for it under Control Panel.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> xp re-install - multiple monitor

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