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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 1x PCI-E, 1x USB, 3x monitor, play movies Fullscreen...
Sypher   2009-10-29 12:15

I have a 9500GT with 2x Monitors connected, and I have an External USB Graphics adapter for the 3rd Monitor.

Basically, I want to use 1x of the Displays as my primary (desktop icons ect..), and my other 2x Black, nothing on them.
I want to be able to Load a Movie or program, drag it across to one of the blank screens, and have it playing Full Screen. Then do the same with Blank screen 2. But I want them playing different movies.

Problem I'm having at the moment is, when I try to play, it automatically moves the Full Screen to one of the other monitors (not nessesarily the Primary Display).

Also, playing movies on the monitor connected to the USB Display, movie playes like the video is corrupt (which I'm guessing could be because its a USB), but somtimes it plays fine.

The USB Adapter says its capable of 1080 res

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 1x PCI-E, 1x USB, 3x monitor, play movies Fullscreen...

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