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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Smart Taskbar confuses Windows and Icons
opello   2009-11-02 02:19
I use the Smart Taskbar in "Standard" mode. On my second monitor I've got in the taskbar: Outlook, two explorer windows, and Firefox.

I use Taskbar Shuffle 2.5 to be able to move items around.

My initial Smart Taskbar buttons were: Outlook[m], explorer(1)[r], explorer(2)[r], Firefox[r] ([r] indicating restored, [m] indicating minimized). The problem appears to be that Outlook and explorer(2) swap icons. Outlook in position 3 has the label of an explorer window that I closed recently (although not immediately before the issue manifests; so it's not triggered by the close of the window it seems).
When I click button 1 (looks like explorer(2)) I get Outlook, and button 3 is "selected." When I click button 3 to minimize Outlook, the background explorer(2) window disappears (minimizes) but remains selected. A subsequent click does not restore the window, but does deselect the button. A third click displays the window, but shows button 1 selected.

This behavior is pretty odd, and I remedy it by disabling and re-enabling the Smart Taskbar. It's not terribly frequent.

Christian Studer   2009-11-02 11:53
Other users with Taskbar Shuffle/Taskix installed reported the same issue, unfortunately I never found out what causes the problem. If you find a way to reproduce the issue let me know and I'll give it another look.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Smart Taskbar confuses Windows and Icons

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