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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon 3.0.7 Beta and icon grouping
Kyle   2009-11-05 15:01
Don't know if this has been posted on here before or not, but I figured I'd give it a shot.

I'm using Win7 32-bit, UltraMon 3.0.7, and I'm having issues with icon grouping on the smart taskbar. It looks like every instance of a program gets it's own icon, instead of getting put into a "stack" like on the normal Win7 taskbar. Is this something that can be fixed in UltraMon? By the way it also does something similar with tabbed browser windows. When you have multiple tabbed windows open in a browser, only one icon appears on the smart taskbar, instead of showing multiple ones on the smart taskbar.

I know this could very well be not possible, but I wanted to ask. Also, are there any plans to introduce the "peek" functions of Windows 7 to the UltraMon smart taskbar?
Christian Studer   2009-11-06 10:43
UltraMon currently doesn't support those taskbar features, will be considered for a future release.

Christian Studer -
NetMage   2009-11-10 05:01
I would like to second making the SmartBar have all the functions of the Windows 7 taskbar: icon grouping, thumbnail previews, aero peek.


PS Can I use the API to hide main taskbar icons so I can create my own replacement SmartBar?
Fox   2009-11-11 05:50
Nano   2009-11-12 09:35
This is my number one gripe with Ultramon's smart taskbar.

Please implement these features!
Farhan Ahmad   2009-11-13 11:47
I would love it if there was a way to move the taskbar buttons like the Windows 7 taskbar. Some of the other features like Aero peek and grouping aren't something that I personally prefer (actually I would turn off grouping if it was implemented :)).
Spencer   2009-11-17 03:53
+1 from me.

When can we expect this feature?
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon 3.0.7 Beta and icon grouping

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