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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> change monitor identification #
Nike   2009-11-06 01:45
I use two monitors, and now also a HD-tv, but when I turn on my tv it becomes monitor #1 and screws up my wallpapers and monitor position...

The tv is on the only dvi-port that supports sound trough a dvi-hdmi-adapter, so I cant simply change place on the cables
Christian Studer   2009-11-06 10:59
There's no real fix for this, except leaving the TV on all the time, in that case it should keep the same monitor number between reboots.

Christian Studer -
Nike   2009-11-07 03:01
is there any way to make ultramon change profile automatically when 3monitors is detected?
both wallpaper profile and position profile
Christian Studer   2009-11-07 09:06
Not automatically, what would be possible is a script which applies a specific wallpaper and display profile depending on the number of enabled monitors.

Do you see 3 enabled monitors under UltraMon menu > Display Settings if you have the TV enabled, and only 2 enabled monitors otherwise?

Christian Studer -
Nike   2009-11-07 22:26
2 normally and 3 when tv is on

how advaced would such script be to make?
Christian Studer   2009-11-08 06:55
I have uploaded a script which does this: ApplyProfileAndWallpaperNumMons

Christian Studer -
Nike   2009-11-09 01:56
You're the greatest!!

Right now Im not getting it to work, but Im probably doing something wrong... Ill try some more before asking for more...

Is there a way to be sure that the script is up and running?
Nike   2009-11-09 02:15
Now it works, but I have to manually run the script after turning on/off the tv...
Still better then nothing, but I thought you meant this to would work itself

If I misunderstood Im still very greatfull for the work :D
Christian Studer   2009-11-09 08:50
You'll need to run the script manually, UltraMon doesn't support running a script in response to a display configuration change.

Christian Studer -
Nike   2009-11-10 08:25
Thank you very much!!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> change monitor identification #

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