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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop and Two External Monitors
Cynthia   2009-11-10 02:15
I have a work laptop and I believe the video card only supports two monitors.

I have the laptop monitor, and an external square-ish monitor that I was using as a dual monitor system.

I was given another square-ish monitor. So I no longer want to use my laptop monitor when I can dock into the two matching monitors.

However, I cannot seem to change which of the squarish external monitors is the primary monitor. Even with installing the trial of UltraMon. I've tried changing which monitors are active by using the Fn and corresponding monitor change key on the laptop, but stubbornly the primary monitor will not change.

I'm running Windows XP and the video card is an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650.

I know I can just move the monitors physically, but last week the primary monitor was different than it is this week. And I am not nuts! :) So I'd love to be able to set the primary monitor.

If you need any more info let me know. I'd love help, thanks!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop and Two External Monitors

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