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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> AGP and PCI at same time
dave   2009-11-17 00:19

Can anyone help me with this, I have a radeon x1650 AGP installed and running 2 monitors, all is ok with this, but i want to add 2 more monitors, I have tried adding a ATI Rage card, but it won't start, in device manager says device can not start. is this because you can't run 2 different instansese of the catalyst drivers ?? If so does anyone know what PCI card is compatible with the same catalyst drivers as the X1650 AGP card i have installed.

Alternatively can i just install a nvidia PCI card and it would work in harmony with the radeon?


Christian Studer   2009-11-17 08:28
You should have an option in the BIOS to use either the AGP or PCI video card as the primary, selecting PCI should fix the problem (some older video cards require this).

Christian Studer -
dave   2009-11-18 04:37
thanks got it, works perfect, although i think i now need a bit better card for the pci slot. Have to get a cheap one off ebay
dave   2010-01-19 19:39

now i have installed a radeon 7000 pci, could i switch this back so the AGP is primary again, might sort out my other problem of slow performace, or does it need to be this way round to work with all pci cards?

dave   2010-01-19 19:58
answered own question again, i switched the bios back to AGP as primary, crossed fingers and booted it up and all cards were recognized, so now 3d etc seems about 5 times faster, hope this maybe helps others
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> AGP and PCI at same time

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