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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Separate Wallpapers - Windows 7?
Christopher Martin   2009-11-17 23:00
I am running Ultramon beta on Windows 7x64 with a 30" Dell Monitor at 2560x1600 and an Acer 19" in portrait. I'd like to keep the Acer portrait with a single wallpaper and have the 30" rotate Wallpapers as per Windows 7 theme.

Is this possible?
Christian Studer   2009-11-18 02:05
That's not possible with UltraMon, I'm also not aware of another way to do this.

Christian Studer -
Doug   2009-11-26 04:04
3 Monitors, Primary is a 20" Samsung 226BW on a Nvidia GF 8800GTX (middle) and 2 Samsung monitors (one on each side of the primary running on a Nvidia 8800GS
(showing as Generic PNP monitors in device manager). Don;t know why that is being they share the same drivers.
All running on Windows 7 64 bit. with the new 64 bit Ultramon.

When I had XP Pro and same configuration, I was able to move my mouse from the monitor on the left, throught the primart (middle) to the monitor on the right. Now I can only go as far as the left side of the center monitor, and then move the mouse to the one on the right, through that one around the back of me to the monitor on the left of center. I've tried every conceavalbe settings combination to no avail...any ideas as to whats causing this, and did we loose setting a different background on each monitor?
Christian Studer   2009-11-26 07:57
Doug, this happens if the monitors aren't arranged correctly, to fix this right-click the UltraMon icon in the system tray, then select Display Settings from the menu and change the monitor arrangement so that it matches the physical arrangement of the monitors on your desk.

Christian Studer -
Doug   2009-11-26 23:27
Thanks Chris, tried that, as i mentioned I've tries every combination. But I must say that after doing what you suggest, and cliking on save current configuration, and when /if I go back into it, it doesn't seem to hold as I left it prior.
I rememeber having this problem with XP but after awhile I finally got it. I'll keep at it.
Doug   2009-11-26 23:38
Never mind Chris, I'm such a jerk, I had Identify Monitors checked, the number IDing the primery monitor was obscuring part of the do you want to save configuragtion, or that what I "assumed" it said, I kept clicking on YES not carfully reading it, as saying would you like to RESTORE and I was clink yes all this time. No wonder it didn't hold configuration. DOE!
While I have your ear, is there a way to put a different backdrop per monitor? That to I remember being able to do.
Christian Studer   2009-11-27 07:51
That's supported, to set this up go to UltraMon menu > Wallpaper, then select the 'a different background/image for each monitor' option.

Christian Studer -
Doug   2009-11-28 00:14
Thanks Chris, alls well now. Thanks for all your help.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Separate Wallpapers - Windows 7?

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