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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Another "ultimate setup"
angille   2002-01-09 14:15
AGP: pick your favorite nVidia card
PCI: ATi All-in-Wonder RADEON
rest of box: your own preference...

A lot of these ultimate setups have multiple Ati cards or multiple nVidia cards, both of which tend to present problems with conflicts. I haven't tried this (don't have enough money, and my G450 plays UT and runs LightWave just fine) but I imagine the AGP card would blaze with any games, and you might even be able to leave the tv on while playing.
If someone out there does try this, let me know! As soon as the G450 wears out its welcome, the nVidia/ATi combo is next on my list.
bolabs   2002-01-27 07:38
I noticed a few PCI ATI All-in-wonder and AGP combos in the gallery, but no one mentioned whether the TV and DVD apps would work on the ATI card. On my W2K machine, I have a Matrox G400 AGP as secondary and whenever it is activated the TV and DVD apps don't work. When the display is de-actived (from Windows display properties), they work again.

I really want an AGP card that will let me run the ATI TV and DVD apps while both monitors are running. Has anyone successfully done this?
sam   2002-01-27 11:56
I can play a game and watch tv at the same time. I am using an agp geforce2 mx400 and a dual head pci geforce2 mx400. The tv is a seperate card. I haven't tried a dvd at the same time, but i don't see why it wouldn't work.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Another "ultimate setup"

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