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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> mother board video and additional video card
garyb   2009-11-28 04:25
Can I add a PCI video card and use both the built-in video on the mother board and the PCI card for a second monitor?

Should I pick a video card of the same mfg? does it matter?

I have a evga e7100/630i motherboard. This board has a VGA and DVI output but I need to run two VGA monitors and the manual says you can't convert the DVI output to VGA.
Christian Studer   2009-11-29 11:18
Depends on the system, some disable the onboard card if you install a video card, I would get a dual monitor video card so that you can use only that if the onboard gets disabled.

In general converting DVI to VGA is no problem, but maybe your onboard card has a DVI-D connector, which only supports digital.

Christian Studer -
ecarlson   2009-11-29 13:28
If it's good-old PCI, it should work with the onboard. If it is PCIe, it might or it might not.

Sadly my new HP at work disables the onboard when a PCIe card is installed, so I had to add a PCI card for my third monitor.

On my old Dell, I was using the onboard for 1 and the PCI card for the other 2.

For some strange reason, the PCI card (Matrox G450) seems a lot slower on the new HP than it was on the Dell, and it was running twice as many monitors on the old Dell.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> mother board video and additional video card

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