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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full Screen on second monitor movie play
Ghost   2002-01-10 04:39
Is there someway to say that a movie-play program (microdvd) plays his movie in fullscreen on the other monitor in Xp?


mitko   2002-01-10 09:54
Sorry, there is no way to make MicorDVD Player to play on other then the primary monitor and even when playing on this one you should not use Pan-Scan because then part of the movie shows on the other(s). I spoke with the guy who made the program and he was VERY unwilling to change it and to make it support multiple monitors. So you will have to turn of multi-mon while watching movies or choose another program. I sugest you BSPlayer ( It's not 100% stable and done but atleast there is a chance of improovement because the author writes in the moment and is open to new ideas. There are other programs that are compatible with multiple monitors and if you want you can try ZoomPlayer (I think that was the name) and ofcourse WinDVD but it doesn't support subtitles.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full Screen on second monitor movie play

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