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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Chrome and Ultra-Mon
Chad   2009-12-03 00:15
Ultramon fails to put the shortcut buttons on the Google Chrome's menu header like it does with all other programs.

Has anybody found a fix to this problem. With google chrome as my main browser, I find the issue very annoying.

Any help from the UltraMon team?


- Chad

I am running UltraMon Beta V3.0.7 on windows XP SP3 and Google Chrome
Christian Studer   2009-12-03 08:32
This is due to the custom window title bar used by Chrome, unfortunately UltraMon usually can't add window buttons to applications with custom title bars.

Christian Studer -
boardtc   2010-02-23 00:54
This is a big concern and is only going to become bigger and potentially a show stopper for UltraMon.

Chrome uses WebKit, Safari also uses WebKit and users have reported similar issues.

Has it been investigated what development effort it would take to upgrade UltraMon to work with WebKit?
Christian Studer   2010-02-23 08:54
I'm going to look into support for applications with custom title bars for a future release, but don't know yet what will/can be implemented.

It should be fairly easy to fix this in the affected applications though, for example Office 2007 uses a custom title bar as well, but because it behaves like a regular title bar as far as UltraMon is concerned, the buttons work fine.

Christian Studer -
boardtc   2010-03-04 21:11
Sounds good. In the current version, sometimes I see the icons in chrome and often they get left behind on their own (Windows XP Pro SP2). I have seen 3 such sets orphaned on my desktop, e.g. see
Christian Studer   2010-03-05 10:31
I'm not sure what would cause this, haven't seen this myself so far (XP with Chrome As a workaround you could disable the buttons for Chrome via UltraMon Options > Compatibility.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Chrome and Ultra-Mon

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