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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Opening file in particula monitor
Hans P   2009-12-20 09:56

Is there any way in UltraMon to make a particular app open in a particular monitor?

I have Acrobat 9 Standard. When I open a pdf file by clicking it in Windows Explorer, always open in my left monitor (not the main one), regardless of which monitor the file was on when I closed it.


Hans L
Christian Studer   2009-12-20 15:05
Not if you click on a document, you would need to launch the application directly by clicking on its shortcut.

To configure custom position settings for an application, right-click the application's shortcut, select Properties from the menu, then select the UltraMon - Window tab and configure settings as desired.

Christian Studer -
Hans L   2009-12-24 04:46
Well, it seems to work after I did what you suggested, and I then clicked on the pdf file in Windows Explorer (actually DOpus, a Windows Explorer replacement -- excellent!).

Thank you very much!

Hans L
Bill   2009-12-30 08:25
I have a batch file that launches a program using command line. When I configure a shortcut to open the program on screen 2, the command window opens on 2, but the program itself opens on screen 1. Tried converting the batch file to an exe and use a shortcut to that, but the program still opens on screen 1.

Any suggestions?
Skier   2009-12-30 17:23
The only satisfactory way I have found to control which monitor a program opens on (as well as window size and position) reliably is with a program called ZMover - available from here:

Very straightforward to use and just works.


Bill   2009-12-30 23:59
Better than Ultranon?
Christian Studer   2009-12-31 00:08
You could try setting Show to Last Used Position, this works differently from the other options and may work with some applications where the other options don't.

Christian Studer -
Bill   2009-12-31 00:13
Tried the "last monitor" suggestion...same result...
Christian Studer   2009-12-31 03:17
What's the application you're launching?

Christian Studer -
Bill   2010-01-02 06:54
The application is called 'moose' which works with slim devices (now logitech) squeezebox server. I want it to open on the touchscreen/lcd (monitor 2) as a 'now playing' indicator.
Christian Studer   2010-01-03 07:27
I have now tested with UltraMon 3.0.8 and Moose 0.72 on 64-bit Windows 7, works fine for me, the shortcut for Moose was configured to open on monitor 1, and the application window got moved there when launching the shortcut.

If you're starting the application from a batch file, make sure you launch the shortcut with the custom position settings, not the application itself, for example:

"C:\Temp\Moose.exe - Shortcut.lnk"

Christian Studer -
Bill   2010-01-03 11:06
I appreciate you taking the time to test Ultramon with moose. Obviously I'm missing something here. I using a batch file since I need to include two switches with the opening of the program. So, my batch is simply:

"C:\Program Files\Squeezeslave\Moose\moose.exe" \partymode \fullscreen

I then create a shortcut and within the shortcut properties, under Ultrmo-Window, I direct it to Monitor 2. I'm not sure what to do from here that would include the solution in your post. Thanks again for the help, sorry for the ignorance...
Christian Studer   2010-01-04 10:40
You can also add the command line switches to the shortcut, to do this create a new shortcut to Moose.exe, then open properties for the shortcut, select the Shortcut tab, and add the switches to the Target field. Click on OK, then open properties again and configure the settings on the UltraMon - Window tab.

When you launch the shortcut, UltraMon will start Moose with the specified switches, and will move it to the specified monitor.

Christian Studer -
Bill   2010-01-05 04:36
That worked. Thanks!
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Opening file in particula monitor

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