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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full screen games and dual monitors
Mast3rpyr0   2009-12-21 03:54
Is there a way that you can go from a full screen game on one monitor, go over to the second and do some IRC while you wait to respawn, and then come back to the game, without having the game minimizing or alt-tabing out?
Dan   2009-12-27 05:36
I am specifically looking for a way to do this with WoW -- you take a huge performeance hit going to Windowed vs Full Screen and want to be able to switch the mouse to the other monitor. I created a shortcut to "Move Mouse to Next Monitor" but all it does in-game is move the cursor to the left-most side of the screen. Any help with this would be excellent!
Machiko   2010-06-19 05:46
I am looking to do the same thing with Vanguard: Saga of Heroes.

When I run the game in "windowed mode", it caps out at 60fps in many areas. But if I go to "full screen mode", I can pull 250+ fps (which is needed when I want to go with graphics all the way up and in a 24 man RAID.

But when I move the focus from the game and click on something on the second monitor, the game minimizes on the primary screen.
joxah   2010-08-07 03:30
Nobody knows how to fix this. I wanna be able to play a game and scroll txt or pdf on the other monitor without minimizing the game on monitor 1
Bernardo   2010-09-30 08:02
I wanna do this too. But no solution yet.

Someone ?

MichaelG   2010-10-12 01:52
I had a similar problem with Starcraft 2 but found solution at

Maybe the same way will work with other games too.
lop   2011-04-10 07:48
it´s posible to play full screen on primary monitor, while the other only shows the desktop (with no need to click outside the game), how?
zbuffer   2011-04-12 09:11
Here it is possible to take last the driver
last the driver
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full screen games and dual monitors

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