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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Install/uninstall problem
Simon   2009-12-21 06:11
Hi, I had UltraMon_2.7.1_en_x32 installed when some mirroring got messed up a bit. Wasn't able to uninstall in safemode so I just deleted the folder and all registry data with ultramon in it and ran a reg cleaner.

It still displays a message that its still installed.

I tried right clicking the msi and either install or uninstall from there but didnt help. Kaspersky didnt seem to have any messages popping up either.

I ran the MsiZap.exe TW {1C94C999-15D2-4C75-9A73-BCC8A677D42E} and it ran it through but not sure if that should have solved it as that topic user was trying to get rid of beta 3.0.4

or is there any other files I would have to deleted that have different names?

Thanks for your help!

Christian Studer   2009-12-21 08:11
MsiZap should fix the problem, for 2.7.1 the product code is {E67FF1A2-23C1-4102-84E9-42115F77AD32}.

Christian Studer -
Simon   2009-12-22 00:20
Worked perfectly, thanks.

Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Install/uninstall problem

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