Lachlan Gemmell 2009-12-29 08:24
I've been a happy user of UltraMon 2.7 and Maxivista 3 for several years on WinXP x86 using my laptop as the primary and a triple screen desktop as the secondary. I arranged all 4 screens (1 physical, 3 maxivista virtual) using UltraMon's Display Settings command in a T shape with my laptop at the bottom. This all worked really well.
I've recently moved to a clean install of Win7 x64 upgrading to the latest Ultramon 3 and MaxiVista 4 at the same time. Since then I cannot get Ultramon's Display Settings command to rearrange the Maxivista virtual displays. I can move the square screen representations around in the dialog box but right after I click the "Keep Settings" confirmation button they go back to their original positions.
Unfortunately the native Win7 windows screen positioning doesn't recognise Maxivista virtual screens and the Maxivista "Arrange Monitors" command is really quite primitive and not up to scratch. Ultramon is the glue I need to get this all working properly.
Are you aware of this issue and working with Maxivista on this? This is a really important issue to me, at the moment I can't arrange my screen configuration to match their physical arrangment which is really disconcerting.
Primary is Win7 x64 laptop Single screen 1680x1050 Ultramon 3.0.8 Maxivista Server (3 instances)
Secondary is WinXP x86 desktop Triple screen display 1680x1050, 1680x1050, 1400x1050 Maxivista Viewer (3 instances installed as service)
Christian Studer 2009-12-30 04:07
Thanks for the bug report, I've been able to reproduce the issue. I'll look into this after 3.0 final, but don't know yet if a good solution is possible.
One thing you could do is install 3.0.7 instead of 3.0.8, most likely you will then be able to position the MaxiVista monitors via UltraMon. 3.0.8 uses the new Windows 7 way of configuring displays, which fixes problems with regular displays but causes the issue with MaxiVista. But 3.0.7 still does this the old way, which should work fine with MaxiVista, and most likely won't cause problems on your system due to only a single regular display being available.
Christian Studer -
Lachlan Gemmell 2009-12-30 14:26
It's working with 3.0.7. Thanks very much. Looking forward to seeing this bug fixed in 3.0.9
Lachlan Gemmell 2010-01-17 13:50
This issue isn't listed in either the fixes or the known issues for 3.09 RC.
Not sure whether it's safe for me to upgrade or not.
Christian Studer 2010-01-18 09:58
I'm going to look into this after 3.0 final, but don't know yet if a solution is possible.
Christian Studer -
Dave Wiseman 2010-07-15 19:42
Any word on progress with this?
Many thanks,
Christian Studer 2010-07-16 09:09
Support for this will be in the next release, 3.1.0.
Please note that if your regular monitor(s) have Windows 7 drivers, you'll be limited in how the MaxiVista monitors can be configured, for example you won't be able to set one of them as primary, or position a MaxiVista monitor between two regular monitors. This is a limitation of Windows 7.
Christian Studer -
Lachlan Gemmell 2010-12-21 12:29
Can you confirm that this was fixed in the just released 3.1.0 and if so is your statement above about not being able to rearrange physical screens still applicable?
Christian Studer 2010-12-22 09:02
Yes, support for this is in 3.1.0. You can rearrange physical screens, the only limitation is that all the monitors also listed by Windows Display Properties (those are the ones with non-legacy drivers) need to be connected to each other, and one of them needs to be primary. This is a limitation of Windows 7, not UltraMon.
You can freely arrange all other monitors around this group of core monitors.
Christian Studer -
chris thomson 2011-08-19 11:22
I think that this is the issue I am having. I have 3 monitors, and windows 7 64bit. I am trying to put my monitor, that is run by a USB video driver, between the 2 other monitors. I am not sure what is going on, the keep moving everytime I disconnect my laptop and use it without the other 2 monitors, they seem to configure differently. I was just stuck in a loop that it refused to believe that 2 of my monitors aren't stacked ontop of each other. I had the monitors correctly configured for about a week,but once I reset the computer, I was back to square 1. It is really frustrating. I did notice that Win7 refuses to list the USB driven monitor in it's display properties, but I have definitely had it working between the other 2 monitors (until today) Does anyone know how to get Win7 to work with Ultramon on this?
Christian Studer 2011-08-20 07:16
If the USB video card has its own software utility, I would check if that supports positioning the monitor, not sure though if that will fix the problem.
Christian Studer -