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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Nvidia gtx280 and 3 monitors
Chris Gates   2009-12-31 14:50
I have been running a dual monitor setup with two Dell 2407 24" LCD monitors connected via DVI to one of the two Nvidia GTX280 cards in my Win XP (SP2) PC for over a year.
In fact I so loved this setup that I bought another 24" LCD (Dell 2408) to connect as a third (also via DVI).
The new monitor works as does one of the older 2407s, and that is all that the Nvidia control panel or Ultramon can see, the 2407 that is alone on the second GTX280 card is the one that doesn't work.
I have tried enabling SLI mode and disabling it without any improvement, oddly Nvidia control panel does see the third monitor when I enable SLI and lists it in the pull down menu for which monitor should have SLI focus, but that is the only place it is ever listed.

Any ideas on how to get all 3 LCDs to work?
Chris Gates   2010-01-05 14:18
SOLVED: Seems even though it looked like the second GTX280 was fully seated in the edge connector on the motherboard, it wasn't fully seated. In fact to make it work I have to remove the screw holding in the 280 on the back plane of the case as it shifts it too far and results in a bad connection.
Just removed it and reseated it about half a dozen times before it eventually worked!
ecarlson   2010-01-14 11:36
Cool. Glad you solved it.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Nvidia gtx280 and 3 monitors

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