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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> HDMI port
Jim   2010-01-06 02:50
I am looking at solutions for my problem. My PC has a HDMI output and My HDTV has a HDMI input. When I hook up the cable it makes the HDTV screen the primary and if the HDMI port on the TV is not selected the screen gos to never never land.. To veiw a video I have to plug in the cable and reboot.

Will UltraMon allow me to leave the cable hooked up and be able to select which screen to display or to mirrow or to extend?

Christian Studer   2010-01-06 07:55
Can you change display settings via Windows Display Properties? If no, it also won't work via UltraMon.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> HDMI port

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