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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multiple ATI cards
Dave   2010-01-08 02:41

does anyone know how to instal multiple ATI cards so as they all use the catalist drivers, as at the moment i have a X1650 AGP pro using the catalist drivers and a ATI rage II using the microsoft drivers it installed with plug and play, I've bought 2 ATI radeon 7000's PCI slot to see if this gets around it, the problem i have is that i can't get 3d on the PCI slot ATI RAGE card and this also means i can't use google erath on any of the monitors for some reason, the program loads but just gives me a black background

Dave   2010-01-09 00:30

answered my own question, here it is for if it helps anyone else,

i installed the Radeon 7000 , windows found it and installed it all ok
this in turn disabled my agp card automatically, think because windows installed the rad 7000 with old ati driver
i downloaded the catalyst driver package for the rad 7000 and installed this, this then got my agp x1650 working again using the old catalyst drivers

so i now have support for 4 monitors all using the old catalyst drivers, google earth also works again now as the pci rad 7000 is getting 3d support from the catalyst drivers

fingers crossed it all works smoothly from now on, will post again if anything stops working, have another rad 7000 pci on it's way, so hopefully can just install this and have support for 6 monitors running, will post here again when get that card running
ecarlson   2010-01-14 11:18
Thanks for the info.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multiple ATI cards

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